Being the oldest medical practise in the world, Ayurveda was previously been practised majorly in South Asia region but now it has gained popularity all over the world. Now WHO and other international health organizations have also recognized the benefits of Ayurveda and hence being promoted worldwide.Ayurvedic medical sciences not merely reduces/eliminate the sufferings but also promotes the overall health and longevity. The role of herbal medicines and their potent benefits with minimal or no side effects have attracted the individuals to adopt the principles of Ayurveda into their day to day life. Ayurvedic procedure help the patients to cope up with the sufferings and to maintain their health at highest level. Ayurvedic herbal medicines and treatments have minimal or no side effects with their potency to eliminate the root cause of the diseases. Ayurvedic examination not merely starts with the symptoms of the patients rather it evaluates the signs with three, eight and ten fold examination procedures to identify the origin and root cause of the diseases.


Swasthasya Swastha Rakshnam Aaturasya Vikara Prashanam” means the aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of healthy individuals and to treat the disease of patients maintaining their health at highest level…