Migraine is a common distressing condition with main symptom as Headache associated with other signs. According to collected data, over 3 millions Australians are affected by migraine. It can occur at any age but it is most likely to appear after age of twenty. A headache can be classified as migraine when associated with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia, photophobia, Aura, long lasting (4-72 hrs), speech disturbance, confusion and others. In modern medical system,Migraine is believed to be caused by interaction between brain and cranial blood vessels.
According to Ayurveda “A natural medicinal system”, Migraine is classified as manifestation of imbalanced body system. It is believed that Migraine is associated with the gut and digestive system. Migraine is believed to be Pitta disease associated with Vatta. The imbalanced pitta impairs digestion and leads to the production of AMA. This AMA with aggravated vat travel to Manovaha strotas ( Mind channels) and become the cause of headache. In chronic condition, the diseased manovaha strotas( channels) destroy OJAS (energy) of the body. Oja is believed to be an ultimate source of energy essential for all body tissues and nervous system.
Migraine headache is one of the severest of pains at times comparable even to labour pain. The headache cause intense throbbing or pulsing sensation in one area of the head and is often followed by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light, sound or smell. The pain is generally made worse by physical activity; while lying down in a dark, quiet place might feel better.The headache may last from hours to days and is often preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.Genetics, Social and Environmental factors, Hormonal and chemical imbalances in the body, Food allergies, Medications, Stress etc may all contribute to migraine
An Ayurvedic practitioner consider the imbalanced Dosha (Physical humor) with pulse diagnosis and other diagnostic skills. The vitiated Doshas are pacified with appropriate Ayurvedic herbs and therapies. Nasya and Shodana (cleanse and detoxification method) are two main panchkarma therapies which have shown its benefits and very beneficial in treatment of Migraine. In Nasya, medicines is administrated via nostrils which pacifies the Aavrit Dosha and nourish the Manovaha strotas. Nasya is very beneficial in management of disorders above clavicle bone.