Dietary choices: Like humans, all food products have different properties. Some food products are Vatta pacifier but Kapha aggravator. One should have some knowledge of their body composition and the Prakriti of the body so that we can make healthy dietary choices. We, at Karma Health & Ayurveda assess the individual with Pulse Reading and assessment methods to determine the individual Prakriti as per Ayurveda. After acknowledgment of Prakriti, we can figure out the dietary choices to keep ourself in balanced state of Doshas.
Every individual has some doshas and elements in dominant phase naturally which decides the body constitution of the body. It also directly emphasizes the type of diet, lifestyle, activities and values required for healthy living for an individual. Ayurveda has classified the techniques to assess the individual body analysis such as threefold examination, Eight folds examination and Ten folds examination. Ayurvedic therapies and herbs treats the individual naturally to reverse the toxins and ailments of sufferings. Ayurveda utilize the herbs and its preparation for disease management, cure and care. Panchkarma is one of the most effective Ayurveda therapies which is used in various ailments and has shown positive results with no side effects. Panchkarma includes five therapies to treat individual’s disease and suffering. Five therapies include: Vamana (Vomiting), Virechana (Purgation), Nasya (Nasal), Vasti (Enema) and Shirovasti (Head therapies). These therapies are used based on individual assessments & requirements; are capable to detoxify the body and rejuvenation.