Ayurveda being the most ancient and comprehensive medical science, emphasize on improvement on quality as well as quantity of life. One of the main branches of Ayurvedic medicine called as “Rasayana”, which means rejuvenate promotes longevity and quality of life. Rasayana therapy involves the principles of diet, routine activities and overall nourishment at cellular level. The Rasayana therapy involves the purification of body channels with Panchkarma therapy followed by administration of Ayurvedic Herbal supplements to nourish and immunity enhancement at cellular level. It improves the skin radiance, virility and vitality of cells and organs naturally. The herbal supplements provide phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals in natural form enhancing the equilibrium in body, mind and soul. The Panchkarma Detox therapy and Rasayana therapy involved in Rejuvenation pacifies the vitiated Doshas and removes the impurities from the body. Further the herbal supplements enhance the immunity and nourishment levels.